domingo, 21 de diciembre de 2008

The Pope has forgiven John Lennon for his remarks about Christ

4o years ago, exactly in 1966, John Lennon declared that The Beatles were more famous than Jesus Chirst, which was like a kick in the teeth for most of the Christian world.
Some days ago, unfortunately too late for John Lennon, the Vatican absolved him.

When John Lennon said that in 1966, a lot of people felt insulted by his words and reprisals were taken against the four fab. Thousands of young Americans burnt their Beatles records when the fuss broke and an 'anti- beatles' feeling was spread around the USA. The Vatican itself needed more than 40 years to let it pass.

Nowadays, we would laugh at such remark, or at least, such a big mess wouldn't have been caused, or that is what I think. Maybe it was true that the Beatles were more famous than Christ or maybe it was just the excited imagination of a young boy who was dazzled fy fame and success, but the thing is that it wasn't such a bad remark to say and the actions taken were just excessive. I hope not to be condemned!

Some English Jokes and some common mistakes

Funny Hotel Signs

Visitors are expected to complain at the office
between the hours of 9 and 11 A.M. daily.

The lift is being fixed for the next day.
During that time we regret that you will be unbearable.

Please bathe inside the tub.

Do not go out except emergency.

At the end of a hotel legal disclaimer:
The management of this hotel can not be held.

From an elevator

Sign in a hotel parking garage:
Please get a punch at window.
Is forbidden to steal hotel towels please.
If you are not a person to do such thing
is please not to read notis.

On a hotel fire extinguisher:
Cease Fire.

Funny Signs on Products On a box of fine tissues:
Skin will be touched softly and gently by
100% high quality pulp.

On a shampoo bottle:
Use repeatedly for severe damage.

On the packaging of a sir fry pan.
Do not use mental tools for prolonging
the life of the pan.

From the packaging of a brand of medicine.

Expiration date: 2 years

On another bottle of medicine.

Known to cure itching, colds, stomachs,
brains, and other diseases.

On a sports drink bottle:

Pocari Sweat Refreshment water

Funny restaurant Signs
Our great food will never leave you!

Please leave a pet outside.

It will take about 1 minute to fix a hot drink.
Please wail.

We serve people like you as good food!

Our wines leave you nothing to hope for.

Special today -- no ice cream.


“Colorful dining space surrounded by stained glasses."

Sign in a cafeteria
Please keep chair on position and keep table cleaned after dying.
Other Funny Signs
On a cash register:
Sorry. We can not change.

Outside a tailor shop:
Ladies have fits upstairs.

In an advertisement by a dentist:
Teeth extracted by the latest Methodists.

In an airline ticket office:
We take your bags and send them in all directions.

In a zoo:
Please do not feed the animals. If you have
any suitable food, give it to the guard on duty.

Babysitting ad by college students:
"Please call us! We will provide you with any emergency."

Private school:

Signs on trash cans in an amusement

Sign in a train station:
For restrooms, go back toward your behind.

A flush button in subway toilet:
You lady will push this button before leaving.

From the cover of a notebook
My heart is very flammable
when I see your beautiful eyes.

River highway sign:


From the past

English, worldwide language

English first was spread worldwide through the British Empire, which extended the language throughout Asia, the Middle East and Africa. From Hong Kong to Africa, the British Empire was home to nearly a quarter of the world population in the 19th century and this allowed English to become the worldwide language and the emergence of America in the 20th century merely cemented it.
As long as America is the leading military and economic power, then English will still be the dominant language. With the emergence of India as a potential superpower and the rise of Indian information technology challenging the United States, English will continue to be the prevailing language in the 21st century. Bangalore in India is the Silicon Valley of Southern Asia and who knows, India may yet supplement America as the new economic power in this new century.

viernes, 19 de diciembre de 2008

Webquest: American English and British English

Bandera inglesa


El inglés americano (AmE) es el inglés que se habla en Los Estados Unidos. Incluye también los dialectos que se hablan en Estados Unidos.
El inglés británico (BrE) es la formaa del inglés que se habla en el Reino Unido e incluye los dialectos que se hablan en el Reino Unido.


Debeis realizar un documento word de una extensión miníma de 10 folios en inglés donde se toquen los siguientes puntos:
1. British English: Location and different dialects.
2. American English: Location and different dialects.
3. Differences in Vocabulary
4. Differences in Pronunciation
5. Differences in Orthography.
Se requiere también una presentación powerpoint a modo de introducción de la tarea.


La presentación se puede hacer en grupos de dos personas como minimo a cinco como máximo. Cada grupo debe elegir qué parte realizará cada componente. Cada grupo debe pasar una copia or escrito al resto de la clase. No obstante, la exposición será oral apoyada en la presentación powerpoint.



Expresión escrita y oral: 60% de la nota final
Claridad y Exposición de los contenidos: 40% de la nota final


Los alumnos desarrollarán sus habilidades escritas y, en especial orales, en la segunda lengua- Además, aprenderán a auto-organizar y gestionar su propio trabajo ya que deben ser ellos mismos quienes lo distribuyan, adquiriendo responsabilidades y aprendiendo a trabajar en grupo.

Bandera inglesa